Siège : La Rochelle

Different shapes


In order to fit with needs, culture, occupation and schedule of your team, we have imagined several shapes of skill development sessions.

We have divided them in 4 categories

  • Individual learning: The learner is alone face to face to a coach, trainer or e-device.
  • Group learning: a group of 6 to 12 people learn together from a trainer, animator or expert
  • Guided Group: a group of 6 to 12 people think together about their experiences, issues guided by an animator
  • Autonomous Group: people learn by the other member of the company through an autonomous process

These different shapes are proposed with different durations and frequencies.

different shapes


  • Learning adapted to rythmes and occupations of your teams
  • Inputs 100% linked with reality of field
  • Stimulating and collaborative learning system
  • Sharing of experiences within your teams, internal benchmarking
  • Capitalization on success and failures
  • Continuous improvement
  • Digital integration
  • Motivated and engaged  people
  • Smart and comprehensive talent development