Siège : La Rochelle


Lifelong Learning Is Good for Your Health, Your Wallet, and Your Social Life

In 2015 Doreetha Daniels received her associate degree in social sciences from College of the Canyons, in Santa Clarita, California. But Daniels wasn’t a typical student: She was 99 years old. In the COC press release about her graduation, Daniels indicated that she wanted to get her degree simply to better herself; her six years of school during that…
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Le diamant de l’innovation – Marc Giget

Marc Giget définit dix axes de communication dans son diamant de l’innovation et chaque axe relie une fonction de l’entreprise à une autre, ce qui permet au final à tous les acteurs d’interagir entre eux par divers moyens. Ces 10 axes de communication formant le diamant sont donc : Innovation de produit (Entre la R&D et…
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Analogie et créativité féconde

Si les recherches sur l’analogie se multiplient, c’est qu’elles illustrent une partie de notre fonctionnement quotidien : inconsciemment, nous nous appuyons sur l’expérience pour appréhender la nouveauté, et parfois la créer. Le problème des 9 points consiste à trouver comment les relier sans lever le stylo, par 4 segments de droite. Nous avons tous spontanément tendance à…
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Techniques: Les 6 chapeaux de Bono

Comment savoir si une idée est bonne ou mauvaise ? Bien qu’elle paraisse absurde à première vue, cette question se pose souvent à nous et tire toute son importance quand nous nous apprêtons à prendre une décision. Bien sûr, dans la plupart des cas, nous préférons nous baser sur ce que nous disent les chiffres…
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Formation Professionnelle: quand le digital change la donne

La DigitalAcademy© a mené une enquête de terrain exclusive sur 6 tendances de la formation professionnelle impactées par le digital. L’avènement des nouvelles technologies, l’arrivée des digital natives sur le marché du travail et la transformation digitale des entreprises, sont autant de facteurs qui touchent aujourd’hui l’écosystème de la formation professionnelle et en modifient certains…
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Be an artist right now Part 2

Call for the artist inside ! Remind that we all were children with artistic skills. Singing, dancing, drawing on walls, story making… We improve our artistic creativity all during our childhood, even when we lie ! The moment kids starts to lie is the moment storytelling begins. They’re talking about things they didn’t see, it’s amazing, it’s…
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Be an Artist, Right Now !

Why do we ever stop playing and creating? With charm and humor, celebrated Korean author Young-ha Kim invokes the world’s greatest artists to urge you to unleash your inner child — the artist who wanted to play forever. His message is cross-cultural and I’m sure it makes you thinking about your own little artist and your creativity…
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24 Charts Of Leadership Styles Around The World

We share with you this interesting article summing works from Richard D. Lewis about different types of organizations around the world. That doesn’t mean that we agree with every charts and analyses. That only gives a point of vue regarding possible types of organizations and their link with countries’ historical background . Different cultures can have radically…
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Cross-Cultural Work Preferences

The research results in this article are part of the Institute of Team Management Studies (ITMS) study, which examined the work preferences of more than 303,000 people covering 198 countries, 87 industries, and 407 professions. This research has thrown up some interesting results that have implications for cross-cultural teams. Very often conflicts arise in cross-cultural…
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Cross cultural communication

Some huge examples of cultural differences regarding communication, thinking and behaviors. This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Pellegrino, being a cross cultural expert, he is sharing with us his personal and professional experience about how do very different cultures can successfully coexist next to each other.…
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What’s next for the modern Learner ?

The number one Human Capital issue in the Middle East is redefining the Learning and Development (L&D) function to meet both the businesses needs and that of the Modern Learner. But do we really understand what this means for our businesses, ourselves as L&D professionals, and for our ultimate customers, the learners themselves. Only 24%…
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